January Ministry Reports

Pam Lychner State Jail, January 23rd Hope For All In Jesus went into the Pam Lychner County Jail, with Jason Perez and I ministering in the 8:00 am service. The inmates in this unit are there for a few months to one year. I brought my acoustic guitar and led the worship to open the…

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November Ministry Reports

DIBOLL UNIT: Nov 20th, Minister John Hammond and Dan Groves went to this facility to bring good news and discipleship training to the men housed there. Their worship team together with Chaplain Assistant Linda Rodgers, brought all into awareness of God’s Holy presence ahead of John sharing some more worship with his guitar and gave…

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October Ministry Reports

PAM LYCHNER Sunday, Oct 10, 2021, Minister John Hammond and Dan Groves went into this jail to equip the saints behind bars. As the 23 men trickled in. One of the first four had a question, which John was answering as the remaining men entered. John then asked who was born again and two did…

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September Ministry Reports

CLEMENS UNIT: Sunday, September 5th, My husband, Leonard, and I had the privilege of ministering to the men at the trustee camp at Clemens Unit on Sunday, September 5, 2021. The Lord had given me the message to share a couple of weeks before, “Find Your Rest in the Lord”. I did not realize until…

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From The Editor

At this time, I would like to make it known, that we need three board members who can commit to raising $10,000 per year to support this ministry and this vision. You may be, like me, unable to raise such money from your own personal finances. The money could be raised through a combination of…

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August Ministry Reports

CAROL VANCE: Saturday, August 7th, On Friday, Chaplain Shelia was asked to change our schedule from Sunday 8th to Saturday. Ministers John Hammond and Dan Groves went to this unit and ministered to two back-to-back groups, (one group of 58 the second of 51). John gave a revealing message on the biblical locations of the…

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Ministry Report from John Hammond

RAMSEY UNIT: Sunday, July 25th, I ministered at this unit with 60 men in attendance. The Lord has done some amazing things at this unit since I was there last month. At that time, they had just painted the room from gray to white but there were only metal chairs to sit on and the…

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Three Kinds of Christians

There are three kinds of Christians: the rowboat type, the sailboat type, and the steamboat type. The rowboat type is humanistic, self-dependent, trying to get on with their own resources. But as those resources are limited, the progress is limited. The sailboat type depends on the winds. If the winds are with them, if people…

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The Breadbox Ministry

The Bread Box is seeking testimonies, poems, poetry, and revelation knowledge from the body of Christ proclaiming what God has done through Jesus Christ. Please limit messages or material to 1,300 words or less. Names and locations will be withheld upon request if the material is published. Materials submitted to the Bread Box cannot be…

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