Our Team

Photo of Shelia Johnson, President and Chaplain of Hope For All In Jesus Prison Outreach
Shelia Johnson President, Chaplain

Early Life and Military Service
Shelia Johnson was born in Texas, the youngest of five kids. In 1974, at just 18, I joined the US Women’s Army Corps (WAC), which later became part of the US Army.

A Changed Life
I've had my share of setbacks before realizing I was moving backward, not forward. Raised in a Baptist Church, I sang in the choir and served as secretary, but my heart wasn’t truly committed. I was caught up in partying, drinking, and clubbing—living a worldly life.

In 1990, everything changed when I joined a Charismatic Church. I encountered God in a powerful new way. Tired of my old lifestyle, I fully surrendered to the Lord and accepted Christ as my Savior. Just a few days later, I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, evidenced by speaking in tongues. From that moment, I've never looked back or regretted my decision.

The Calling
I've faced a lot of trials, tribulations, and battles, but through it all, I've felt God's growing influence in my life. He reassured me, saying, "Before you were even born, I knew you and set you apart as a prophet." He’s called me to go where He sends me and speak what He commands. I'm not to be afraid because He’s with me to protect me. God has blessed me with compassion and a strong desire to minister to those who are hurting, sharing His Word as described in Jeremiah 1:5, 7-8. He's given me the courage to challenge and uplift, to break down barriers, and build up strength (Jeremiah 1:10). My mission includes freeing those held captive by various struggles, delivering them from the enemy's grip. Living with integrity, pure motives, and being led by the Spirit is essential to my role as a Prophet.

How I Began in Prison Ministry
Back in 1995, my military chaplain, Chaplain Ballard, invited me to join him in prison ministry. Initially, I hesitated, but with his encouragement, I decided to give it a try. Once inside, I felt an incredible sense of ease and connection with the inmates. It became clear that this was my calling, and I’ve been involved in prison ministry ever since. That same year, I received my calling to preach the Gospel. We started visiting prisons, ministering to both men and women, singing, preaching, and sharing the love of God.

Freely Receive, Freely Give Ministry (FRFG)
I founded Freely Receive, Freely Give Ministry (FRFG) because I saw a need to help those who've suffered through disasters like fires or floods, or those coming out of prison with nothing but the clothes on their back. We also assist people going through tough times when no one else steps up to help. Our ministry collects items in good condition that people need after a loss and provides them for free to those in need.

The Vision
In 1998, God put a big idea in my heart: a place with plenty of space to help men and women as they reenter society after prison. We’d provide food, shelter, training, medical care, support for job interviews, and everything else they need to get back on their feet and reintegrate into the community successfully.

In 2000, I received another vision from God for a one-month revival called Yahweh To Holiness. I made sure to write it all down and keep it clear and straightforward.

By 2006, I started looking for a prison ministry in North Houston because I was nearing retirement. That's when I found Hope For All In Jesus Prison Outreach Ministry, led by Pastor Robert and Audrey Dubois. From our first meeting, Sis Audrey and I felt an immediate connection. She told me she always wanted a daughter like me, and we’ve been like family ever since. We worked together in the prison ministry, and in 2010, I was honored to be named the Director.

Schools and Education
I attended Charlton-Pollard High, followed by The College of Biblical Studies. I’m also a graduate of the School of Prophets and United Christian Faith Ministry, and I studied further at Cameron University.

After giving thirty-nine years of service, I retired in February 2014. It's been a long and challenging journey, but I never gave up or gave in. I am proud to call myself a Soldier4Christ.

Bringing the Vision to Life
In 2015, the vision became a reality. We started in a school and then expanded to holding Yahweh To Holiness revivals under a tent. Twice a year, we host these powerful thirty-day tent revivals, bringing the community together in faith and worship.

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John Hammond


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