June Ministry Reports
Clemens Trustee Camp Sunday, June 4, 2023
My husband, Leonard, and I (Cynthia Ventress) had the opportunity to minister to the brothers at the Clemens Trustee Camp. The Holy Spirit was in the midst. After praise and worship, I delivered the message entitled “Who is Your Friend?”. We went through God’s Word in the book of Acts, Chapter 9 and the story of Saul’s encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, and his subsequent conversion.
I stated that if the Lord chose Saul as his vessel, that He can choose to use any of us for His Glory. We talked about being born of the Spirit, and laying the old man down to rest. I was able to share about Brother John Earl. I shared about the naming of the ministry “Hope for All” and how Brother Robert always said that if there was hope for him, that there was hope for all.
I talked about both men’s characters, and how I did not ever know the “old men”, but only the “new men” who had been changed by the power of God, two men who truly loved God and dedicated their lives to Him. And I told the brothers in attendance that if God had not already changed them, that He wants to, He wants for them to be born again. This day marked twenty-four years of the anniversary of the day that Leonard and I met.
I talked about the importance of choosing our friends, and how one encounter can change our lives for the good or for the bad. As much as my husband and I meeting so many years ago changed the direction of both of our lives, we were both changed all the more by our individual encounters with Jesus, and by becoming friends with Him. I closed with John 15: 14-15 where Jesus says “You are my friends if you do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant does not know what his lord does, but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.”
We are so thankful that Jesus calls us friends and that He demonstrated His Love by laying down His life for us.
In Jesus, Cynthia Ventress
Pam Lychner Sunday, June 11, 2023
Jason Perez and Mike Woerner visited the Pam Lychner unit. The inmate leadership led the group of 64 men in praise and worship. The ministry was introduced by Mike Woerner who also gave a 10 minute word of encouragement. Then Jason Perez gave the message “Be who God created you to be.” Our visit was well received. Regards, Mike Woerner
Wayne Scott, (Jester IV) June 25th
Ministers Jason Perez and Dan Groves came to this unit and facilitated church service with about 15 men. Dan Groves gave the message relating to maintaining continual Christian growth. Jason also shared from scripture. Afterward some men came forward for prayer for strength to continue following Jesus on the outside, and others for their families.
Blessing In Christ, Dan Groves
Ramsey Trustee Camp, June 25, 2023
Ministers Mike Woerner and Shelia Mitchell went into this camp and enjoyed worship with their outstanding praise team led by “Happy Feet”, Edward, and Mike shared the Word of God with them. Shelia also shared a word of exhortation and encouragement.