February Ministry Reports
Clemens Trustee Camp – February 5th
Pastors Leonard & Cynthia Ventress went in and ministered life and healing to the men.
Carole Young Prison – February 12
Minister Cassandra Kitchens, Ray Felder, and Shelia Johnson went to the Carol Young Unit in Dickerson, Texas. Ray played the keyboard and both Sheila and Ray ministered in songs. Minister Cassandra Kitchens brought the word from 2 Cor 10:3-5, her message was on “The Weapons of Our Warfare.” Two ladies came up for salvation and others came up for prayer.
Terrell Trustee Camp – February 12
Pastor John Hammond and minister Robert Ward went into this camp and shared with the men. John brought worship and Robert brought a message in the Word.
Murray Prison – February 19
Apostle Ray & Johnnie Mae Felder, Cassandra Kitchens and Shelia Johnson went to the Murray Unit in Gatesville, Texas. Cassandra ministered in the first service . “which was ladies from G4 section. Her message was from Matt 26:69-75 “The God of Second Chances”.
In the second service Ray sang and played the keyboard, Shelia brought the Word and her message was from Phil 4:4 “Choose to Rejoice ”. Two ladies came up for rededication and others for prayer.
Wayne Scott Unit (formerly Jester IV) – February 26
Mike Weorner, Jason Perez, and I (John Hammond) ministered in this unit. The room was full with over 40 men and has grown extensively since the unit reopened after Covid. I introduced ‘The Hope For All In Jesus Prison Ministry’ and led the men in worshiping the Lord. Jason gave an exhortation on The Mind Is The Battlefield where the enemy wages his war on Believers, and showed from Joshua 1:9, that we are to be strong and courageous because the Lord our God is with us wherever we go. Then Mike gave a message on the Parable Of The Lost Son from Luke 15:11-32 encouraging the men that our Heavenly Father always welcomes back anyone no matter how far they strayed.
His love never ends and we as Believers have the Holy Spirit to guide our every step, who brings convictions for us to return, and not condemnation as the enemy of souls does. Mike gave the invitation to anyone who wanted to give their lives to Jesus or renew their walk. Four men came forward and stated their commitment of dedication.
God Bless you; Pastor John P Hammond
Polunsky Unit – February 26
Shelia Johnson went to the Polunsky Unit in Livingston, Texas. We had a beautiful time of worship. The message was on Bible Study. There were around 120-130 men present and around 15 guests.
Ramsey Trustee Camp – February 26
Minister Robert Ward and Dan Groves went into this unit and joined them and their very talented worship team in lifting the name of Jesus.
Dan introduced the ministry first and then Robert, who gave a word of exhortation from Matthew 6 about the true treasures of God. Dan then gave the message about real “sorrow that works repentance”, out of James 4 & 5 mostly and pointed out the painting on their Chapel wall that says, “Brokenness is how the light gets in”.
I also shared with them news of what is happening in Chapel at Asbury Christian College in Wilmore Kentucky, and encouraged them that the same Spirit was here with them ready to do amazing things. Dwane reported that their numbers had grown lately and God is moving among them.