Our Team


Shelia Johnson
President, Chaplain

Shelia Johnson was born in Texas, the youngest of five children.
In 1974, at the age of 18, I enlisted in the US Women’s Army Corps (WAC), later integrated into the US Army.

A changed life:
I have experienced many failures before realizing that I was not moving forward but backward. Raised in a Baptist Church, I sang in the choir and was secretary, but still not sold out to the Lord. Partying, drinking, clubbing, living worldly. I left that life In 1990 and joined a Charismatic Church. I experienced God in a new way. I finally got tired of living the way I had been and surrendered my all to the Lord receiving Christ as my Lord and Savior. A few days later I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I have never looked back or regretted it.

The Calling:
After many trials, tribulations, and battles, God has shown me his increasing anointing on my life. He said, 'before I formed you in the belly I know you; and before you came out of the womb I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet'. He called me to go where HE sends me, speak what I command you. I am not to be afraid of their faces for He is with me to deliver me, says the Lord. He has given me compassion, passion, and the anointing to minister to broken vessels, through proclaiming His Word, (Jer 1:5,7,8,) high above all principalities, through intercession and worship. Boldness to root out, to pull down, to destroy, to throw down, to build up, and to plant. (Jer1:10). Laying hands on the captives to break strongholds and yokes over all the power of the enemy to set them free. Walking one with the Father, a life of integrity with pure motives, being led of the Spirit and Spirit-filled, transformed into His Divine nature, is crucial in standing in the place of a Prophet.

How I began in prison ministry:
In 1995 Chaplain Ballard my chaplain in the military invited me to go into the prison where he was also a Chaplain as well. I hesitated but with his encouragement, I finally gave up and went in with him. God move so mightily on me in the prison and I was so at ease with the men that I told my Chaplain that I was ready and willing to do prison ministry. I believe that God used my Chaplain to show me that this is the ministry he had for me and I have been going in ever since. I received my calling to preach the Gospel in this same year. We began going into the prisons ministering to the men and women singing and preaching the Word and showing the Love of God.

I am the Founder of Freely Receive Freely Give Ministry (FRFG), a ministry God birth in me to replenish the needs of those who have gone through the trauma of a fire, flood, or homeless, or having been released from prison or jail with nothing but the clothes on their backs, those just going through a bad time in life and no one has offered them help. The ministry collects unblemished items that a person would need after a loss and give it freely to the ones in need.

The vision:
In 1998 God lay upon my heart to have a place on acreage divided that would accommodate men & women when they are released from prison. We would be able to supply food, shelter, training, health needs, Dr’s appointments dress for success, transportation to and from job interviews, meeting the needs of his people, and preparing them for success to get back into the communities.

In 2000 God gave me the vision of Yahweh To Holiness a one-month revival. I wrote the vision and made it plain.

In 2006 I begin looking for a prison ministry in the area of North Houston thinking I was soon to retire. I found Hope For All In Jesus Prison Outreach Ministry. Pastor Robert & Audrey Dubois. I met with them and Sis Audrey and I were taken to each other from day one. She said, she has always wanted a black daughter and now she has one. We have been family ever since. I have been going into the prison with them and in 2010 I was named Directory of the ministry.

Attended Charlton-Pollard High, The College of Biblical Studies, a graduate of the School of Prophets, and United Christian Faith Ministry, and Cameron University.

I retired with thirty-nine years of service in February 2014. The journey has been long and very complex; but I never gave up, gave out, or gave it. I am a Soldier4Christ

2015 the vision came to pass it started in a school and then we took it to the streets under a tent. Twice a year we hold Yahweh To Holiness thirty-day tent revival’s.

Our Team